Tell me how this is worth the $$$

This is a hard one. Because I really can’t. But I CAN tell you that women who attend one retreat, come back every year for another. Because there is no amount of money that equals the empowerment you walk away with. I can also tell you that when I made a spreadsheet, itemizing the dollar value of what each blessed offering costs, the amount was $4000+. But at the end of the day, it’s not about the price tag, it’s about showing yourself that you. are. worth. investing. in.

Why Persephone?

When brainstorming the WHY of this retreat, the word ‘goddess’ kept coming to mind. Having been raised in ‘princess culture’, I wanted to steer away from the concept of fairy tales and romance, and go instead in a direction of mythological tales rich with tragedy, hope, strength, chaos, and empowerment. While women like Venus & Aphrodite (goddesses of love) seemed like the obvious choice, they just didn’t sit right. Then I remembered Persephone — a young goddess who finds herself in the Underworld, where she realizes that she doesn’t fit into the box her mother & society expect her to fill, and discovers her true power lies within the beautiful duality of being both Goddess of Spring AND Queen of Death.

What is a ‘bare session’?

You are in a constant state of shapeshifting. A Bare Session is an invitation to celebrate the version of yourself that you are today — mind, body & soul. It is a photo session where we redefine what divine feminine means to you — not to your partner, not to instagram, not to society, TO YOU. Every session is different and curated exactly for the muse herself — but I can promise there will be music, there will be wine, and there will be a LOT of laughter. My goal with every session is to deliver images that make you gasp and say, ‘Holy shit — THAT’S ME?’ And it happens. Every time. We will always be our worst critic, but let me show you there is far less to criticize than you think.
You, dear one, are RADIANT. And your story is safe with me. 

What if I’m too ___?


… Then you would be like every other woman who’s stepped in front of my lens.
All it takes is saying to yourself, ‘ACTUALLY, I CAN’ and taking the leap.
I promise that you’ll fly.

I can feel in my bones this is for me.
But I can’t just afford it. Now what?

Our aim is for money to never be the reason holding you back from this experience.
There are lots of options. Show yourself a huge act of self-love by reaching out, sharing where you’re at, and where you’d like to be.
Let’s make this happen for you.